Not Victim, Not Survivor ... I Am More ...
By now, you know that I've been through a lot. But in my lifetime, I've met people who have been through more and people who have been...

Someone recently asked me when I decided I wanted to be a lawyer …
The question prompted me to ask myself “why” did I want to become a lawyer? And I went back over my life to see if I could find out when...

I Like You Thiiiiiiiiiiis Much!
I've been married over 30 years to my husband. In that time, we hardly ever say "I love you" to each other ... but we do say "I like you...

Chasing a Swell ...
That's what I did in June. I had just returned from an 18-day trip to Hawaii, surfing daily (surprise). On my return, each morning, I sit...

My Boots Caught Fire!
Twenty years before Doc Marten successfully marketed combat boots for everyday wear, I had a pair of my own personally spit-shined combat...

I am NOT a Cancer Survivor ...
I had cancer. Now I don’t. Back in September, 2001, my primary care doctor ran some tests and she didn’t like what she saw. She referred...

My Mother's Family Hosted My Sixth Birthday ...
In 2005. In 2005, when I went to Japan to meet my father for the first time (June 19, 2016 Blog Post), I reconnected with my mother’s...

I Want to Surf Like You!
That’s what I told my surf coach my last trip to Hawaii. Yes – that’s him in the photo-Fritz. Fritz doesn’t talk much. He paused, thought...

Big Girl Lost ...
Just about the time when I think I’ve figured stuff out, and life is going so well, what do I do? I start a new adventure that throws me...

A Bubble in My Brain ...
Last week I shared the outcome of my one and only contact with my biological father. If you asked me now to describe precisely my...