I'm in Hawaii Standup Paddle Surfing ...
singing karaoke and “talking story” with my friends. That’s 2 of my “S” activities and it just occurred to me that “talking Story” could...

I'm the Luckiest Girl in the World ...
And I don’t know why. Perhaps I need to change the name of my blog from “How to Life” to something like “I’m Amazed I Got Here Alive and...

You Have to Throw Them All Away ...
was what my adopted mother said as I stood and stared at two large stacks of comic books in the corner of my room. Each stack was well...

My Adoptive Mother Was Really Nice, but ...
I’ve already hinted that my adoptive father, Jack, was a very bad man. My Japanese adoptive mother was quiet and kind. Her father was a...

I Lived With My Obaachan Until I was Five ...
Although my father made me half Irish, I was completely Japanese. Japanese was my first language. My Obaachan was pre-war Japanese. I had...

Ranko-chan, Ranko-chan, doko desu ka? ...
My grandmother called out as she searched the apartment and apartment complex looking for me. What she didn’t know was that I had gone to...

I Called My Father, despite ...
not wanting to call. He left me when my mother died. I was one. He returned about a year later with a new wife, who didn’t want me. And...

A Stack of Rocks means ...
a ton of experience and value. This means you have a lot to offer yourself and others. This is my birthday month and I'm turning 60....